Alot of questions have been razed recently regarding Thatch in lawns, particularly in buffalo turf, While some will have you believe Thatch is a bad thing for your lawn, it is not. excess thatch is very easy to prevent.
Thatch is a loose, intermingled organic layer of dead and living shoots, stems and roots in your lawn. it lies between the soil and the green leafy layer of your lawn. The thatch is vital to your lawn health. It provides insulation to the root system, lowering the evaporation of water from the soil.
Thatch is what provides the softness and strength to your lawn, making it soft to walk and run on, lowering the impact to your joints etc. Thatch also provides the vital wear resistance of your turf. This layer protects the roots from damage and helps keep your lawn healthy and looking great.
Buffalo mostly lives above the surface of the soil and thus has slightly more thatch than some other varieties of turf. This is one of the main benefits of buffalo and one of the reasons it is the most popular premium turf chosen for home lawns.
Excess thatching can occur at times, and is usually caused by your lawn producing organic matter faster than the dead matter can decay. you can remove this by mowing your lawn low in spring approximately every 3 years (pretty good trade off to have the best looking lawn).
One cause of Thatching is also High Nitrogen fertilizers. these are common and give a quick very green colour to your lawn. Nitrogen promotes the production of root and stem tissues
Matilda recommends using a more balanced fertilizer to help prevent this excess thatch building up.
In summary, Thatch in your lawn is a good thing, it is what give the soft lush lawn that your neighbours will envy. and with the right fertilizer application and care, Matilda Premium Buffalo will serve you well for a lifetime.
Thatch in Buffalo? The Truth about Thatch